Strawberry plants can be picked up during the schedule listed below at Bounty Farm (55 Shasta Ave. Petaluma, CA 94952). Their preference is to donate to under-resourced communities that may not have the option to grow strawberries otherwise. If you will take a large number (over50), please contact them ahead of time ([email protected] or (707) 364-4883).
Thursday, 11/29: 2pm - 5pm Saturday, 12/1: 9am - 12pm We have two varieties available (more variety information below). Once we run out of a variety, we will post on our Facebook page. More information on strawberry varieties from Lassen Canyon Nursery website: Chandler continues to be one of the “go to” varieties for roadside strawberry stands, backyard gardeners everywhere and many commercial growers in the southeast. Chandler produces semi-early delicious sweet fruit. Fruit size is medium to large and medium in firmness. Chandler performs well in the east and is well adapted to the south. Sweet Ann is a vigorous plant with high productivity and exceptional flavor. The attractive fruit is large in size, with a beautiful long conical shape. It has medium firmness with a good acid-sugar balance and very sweet taste. Sweet Ann is a glossy red color both inside and out. The variety produces few runners in the fruiting field. Sweet Ann seems quite disease resistant to everything but fusarium wilt. It is an excellent choice for the organic production systems. Sonoma County Bee Keepers Association offers free educational presentations with activities for classes with grade appropriate material. They prepare several hands-on activities including singing, drawing, and manipulating bee-related paraphernalia. Also covered are more advanced topics in genetics and environmental issues for high schools and adults. Please see this document for a general outline of the various topics covered: Topics Covered in School Presentations (PDF).
For more information and to request a free presentation at your school. Visit their website here. This month, NestWatch unveiled a new FREE resource for educators of middle school students (grades 5-8). Thinking Outside The (Nest) Box, It includes a series of five activities leading youth through the steps of making a nest box for small songbirds, placing it in the appropriate habitat, and monitoring the birdhouse as a citizen scientist. Students get hands-on experience while learning about the life cycles of birds.
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