The School Garden Network relies on fundraising efforts to support our programs and services. We are filled with gratitude and humility for the many individuals, businesses and partner organizations who contribute to garden based education!
Individual Supporters: Gordon Matthews & Maria Cardamone; John & Jenny Webley; Anonymous
Individual Supporters: Tara Brown, Bryan Doherty & Marilyn Zick, L and L Martin Fund of Community Foundation Sonoma County; Julie and Tom Atwood
Individual Supporters: Alison Anderson, Marianna Barrell, Brian Bauer, Michele Burch, Robert Burnett & Kathleen Barry, Deborah Coulthard, Sarah Dal Porto, Sarah Dupre, Steve Ehrman, Jean & Mark Farmer, Nichole Frey, Mary Fox, Steve Griffith & Elizabeth Westerfield, Mary Hill, Kathleen Horan, Brett Huet, Victoria Johnston, Martha Kowalick, Jan Lochner, Judith Mathieson, Damien McAnany, Sue McQuiddy, Dorothy Mei, Hank & Bonnie Miller, Kitty Ritz, Mark Short, James Stephens Business Supporters: Occidental Nutrition
We know that our past and future success is directly linked to the contributions of our local community, as well as partnerships with local organizations. We are grateful for all of you!