Do you want to make a lasting impact in Sonoma County? Join SGN's Board of Directors to shape strategic decisions, mobilize funds and resources, and strengthen our network.
As a board member you will collaborate with a diverse group of professionals, bringing your unique expertise to the table. Your contributions will play a pivotal role in growing healthy students, families, schools, and communities through garden-based education. We welcome people with diverse skills and knowledge, and are also looking for board members with expertise in legal, fundraising, and HR.
Interested in learning more or applying? Please email [email protected]
board member job description
Length of Term The customary term is two years. There is no limit to the number of terms that may be served.
Whole Board Expectations As the highest leadership body of the organization, the board is responsible for:
Fulfilling the mission and purposes of the organization
Supporting strategic and organizational planning
Representing SGN within the community
Ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management
Approving and monitor SGN's programs and services
Approving an annual budget
Developing fundraising and resource capacity
Assessing it's own performance as the governing body of SGN
Individual Expectations Each individual board member is expected to:
Know the organization's mission and programs
Serve as a trusted advisor to, and working partner with, the Executive Director and Staff
Leverage connections, networks, and resources to develop collective action to fully achieve SGN's mission
Follow SGN's bylaws and policies
Faithfully read and understand SGN's financial statements
Prepare for, attend, and conscientiously participate in monthly board meetings and the annual retreat
Participate fully in one or more committees
Utilize Google Drive for accessing and filling organizational documents
Thank you for helping enrich the lives and experiences of children in this community!