Credo High School - Rohnert Park
Garden Description: We call our school garden an Urban Farm. We have a Production Garden where we grow food for the Wed. school lunches, and in the past held Farm markets. The Peace Garden where we also grow veggies…but the focus in this garden is flowers for the school. We have a Herb garden where we are growing herbs for our Herbal Studies, a pond/teepee area we are developing now, as well as garden boxes throughout the area and vertical gardening where we grow cut lettuce in gutters along the fence ways. Our worm box takes the food from the school lunches as well as building compost piles to gig back to our gardens. This year we have been adding art to our garden with handmade stepping stones and the asphalt has been paint with some beautiful lotus flowers with bees flying from one to the other. More in the planning this year.
Every High School student at Credo High takes farming…beginning with Food Literacy (F), Herbal/food studies (S), Permaculture/Biodynamic studies (J), and Art as Seniors.
Garden Activities: Grow vegetables, Wildlife/pollinator habitat, Composting bin, Composting cafeteria waste, Provide garden produce for cafeteria, Cooking or taste testing in the garden or classroom, Nature study, Fruit trees, Seed saving, Vermicomposting
Year Garden Was Started: 2011
Location: 1290 South West Blvd, Rohnert Park
Garden Coordinator: Kelley Mcneal, kelley.mcneal[at]
SGN Grant History: Received training scholarship in 2014.
Last updated on 1/2/15
Every High School student at Credo High takes farming…beginning with Food Literacy (F), Herbal/food studies (S), Permaculture/Biodynamic studies (J), and Art as Seniors.
Garden Activities: Grow vegetables, Wildlife/pollinator habitat, Composting bin, Composting cafeteria waste, Provide garden produce for cafeteria, Cooking or taste testing in the garden or classroom, Nature study, Fruit trees, Seed saving, Vermicomposting
Year Garden Was Started: 2011
Location: 1290 South West Blvd, Rohnert Park
Garden Coordinator: Kelley Mcneal, kelley.mcneal[at]
SGN Grant History: Received training scholarship in 2014.
Last updated on 1/2/15